Education and Skills
The Seventh Generation Wisdoming Cafe

8 Dec

13:00-13:40 GST

Our "Seventh Generation Wisdoming Cafe" is so named because of these two discoveries: I. The Seventh Generation Principle is based on an ancient Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) philosophy that our decisions today should result in a sustainable world seven generations into the future.II. Instead of thinking about NOUNS, we might realize life is a "living adventure" (i.e., VERBs). Therefore, instead of thinking about being WISE, might we understand that it involves the VERB form of mastering "Wisdoming?"After introducing the concepts and format of the workshop, we will hopefully have the participants seated randomly (not just with friends) at tables of four. On each table will be a Powerful Question that we'd like them to reflect on for 12 minutes.We would then ask them to move to different tables for the next 12 minutes to reflect on the interrelationships of their questions. Finally, they'd have 12 minutes back in their home communities to reflect on their learnings and capture their new insights on ways we can be more conscious of REALTY'S DYNAMICS, what we shape and reshape daily.
Zayed Foundation for the Environment



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