Eco-Resilience: Unveiling the Environmental burden of Disease and Pioneering Climate Action Solutions
3 Dec
13:20-14:00 GST
In a recent pioneering initiative, the UAE has takenthe lead in the region by employing an innovativestatistical model to assess the EnvironmentalBurden of Disease. Aligning with global bestpractices, the initiative has adopted the WorldHealth Organization's (WHO) Global Burden ofDisease (GBD) methodology. This comprehensiveapproach involves integrating current environmentaland health outcomes data, utilizing technologyto construct a predictive model. The result is agroundbreaking method that allows for estimatingthe national burden of disease due to climatechange and environmental pollution, underscoringthe UAE's dedication to promoting health andsustainability.
Abu Dhabi Public Health Centre
Environment Agency - Abu Dhabi