Climate-Health Ministerial

3 Dec

16:00-19:00 GST

For the first climate-health ministerial at a COP, ministers of health, environment, finance and other related sectors will set out a roadmap and opportunities for action to address the rapidly growing burden of climate change on healthcare systems, as well as capture the vast socio-economic benefits from better health and well-being through climate action. A political declaration will be adopted to reflect country priorities on climate change and health, and support the mainstreaming of health in the climate agenda. The ministerial will be hosted by COP28 Presidency, the World Health Organization and the UAE Ministry of Health and Prevention, and is being supported by a group of countries, including Brazil, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands, Egypt, Kenya, Sierra Leone, India, Fiji, and others.
COP28 Presidency
UAE Ministry of Health and Prevention
B1: Plenaries & Meeting Rooms - Plenary - Al Ghafat